“… It will become more and more ungodly”
This is exactly the pattern of all false teachers, and this is the reason of why most of them have gotten their way without almost any resistance. It is evident that when it comes to false teachers and teachings, it is not easy to detect them because their lies are covered with some truth; if someone just takes the microphone and starts teaching that God has never existed or that the Devil is the real god or Jesus was really an emissary of Hell, in that same second he will be discarded as a servant of God.
But the Bible is clear when it says that even from among us (the church), some will arise and distort the truth, in order to drive away disciples after them. No wonder why it shocks us when we detect a false teacher and our first thoughts are “but it cannot be him”, “but he comes and serves in our church” and so forth. The Bible also says only the Lord knows those who are his; we hear the wind blows but we cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going, so it is with everyone born of the Spirit.
Therefore, we must not be surprised when someone we thought was a faithful servant comes out with a strange new doctrine, foreign to the Scriptures.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have departed from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some. Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” (II Tim. 2:15-19)
Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord. (Jude. 3-4)
I can’t deny that once I was fooled by some of the characters below, believing that their ministries were something given by God. I even bought some of their books and read them without any qualms in my heart. Therefore, I know it is hard when it comes to change our minds about someone’s reputation. It is not about keeping allegiance to somebody, because our total allegiance must be kept only to God, because His Word warns us clearly about putting our trust in men.
“This is what the LORD says:
“Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who draws strength from mere flesh
and whose heart turns away from the LORD” (Jer. 17:5)
And this exactly what happens to those who choose to follow a certain man no matter what: we turn away from the Lord.
Granted, there are always men whom we trust! Personally I have a great admiration for John Macarthur and some more men who focus their ministry in explaining only what the Bible has to say. But I am ready to stop my allegiance for him and others the second they start teaching other gospel than the one we find in the Scriptures.
Thus, the decision to make is the following: we choose to believe these people and lower the importance of the Bible, or take them as false teachers and stick only to the Bible.
Listen to these men and their incredible statements, and I assure you that, even if you admire some of them, deep inside you will know they are not correct. I hope the reason prevails over your feelings. The decision is yours!
Adam like Superman?
Hinn bases all this over the meaning of one single word and then human reasoning. But the word “dominion” means to subjugate, to reign, to prevail, to rule; not being able to do everything the subjugated creatures do. The theological consequence can seem trivial, but together with other statements of the same kind, could mean an attempt to deify man (exaggerating his features); a good hotbed for the “we are little gods” teaching.
Women giving birth out of their sides
First, the Holy Spirit tells Hinn something, then he looks for any evidence in the Scriptures (Eisegesis instead of Exegesis). Moreover, to tell that that single wound in Jesus’ side gave birth to the Church is nothing but nonsense.
Pastors with poop in their shoes for following the sheep?
How different is this comment to what was commanded for the pastors: "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording over those entrusted in you, but being examples to the flock" I Pe. 5:2-3
Pastors with poop in their shoes for following the sheep?
How different is this comment to what was commanded for the pastors: "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording over those entrusted in you, but being examples to the flock" I Pe. 5:2-3
Hinn denying part of the Scriptures
Who is Hinn to tell us what is Bible and what is not Bible? If we depend on men like him to tell us what is Bible and what is not, they definitely are taking a higher authority than the Bible itself. “if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City” (Rev. 22:19). Moreover, there are many examples of God giving and taking away (Adam, Saul, Jeroboam, etc.). And if Job was just religious, why Ezekiel commends him in chapter 14:14,20? This statement alone disqualifies Hinn as a minister of God.
Isn't this ironic considering that Hinn even denies portions of the Scriptures?
Many things he has said that disagrees with the Scriptures, but since it looks like he has been granted with the authority to say what is Scripture and what is not, we suppose he is alright!!!
We are little gods
If this is true, then Eve only had to say to Satan “I don’t have to be like God, because I already am”. This doctrine reveals the poor image of God these false teachers have; we just need to consider all His attributes. “You thought I was exactly like you” (Ps. 50:21). This is rank heresy, but if you persist believing that you are a little god, try to answer one of the questions God asked to Job! (in a few words… “who do you think you are?”).
If we are little gods, then Jim Jones was right!
Nine Persons in the Trinity?
If blaspheming about the Trinity doesn’t disqualify a preacher, then what does?
We are Messiahs too...!
The similarities between so-called “Christian statements” with the New Age doctrines should make us cautious.
Benny Hinn supporting evil men and women disguised as servants of God
Aimee Semple McPherson: false healer with two marriages and suspicious of adultery, found dead with non-prescribed drugs on her hand.
Kathryn Kuhlman: Dr. William Nolan did further work on 82 cases of Kathryn Kuhlman's healings using names that she herself supplied. His conclusion at the end of the entire investigation was that not one of the so called healings was legitimate, not one.
A.A. Allen: Tent-Evangelist who was secretly involved with alcohol for years, died of sclerosis of the liver in 1967.
William Branham: His theology was unbiblical and heretical. His theology of healing did not have any effect on himself after his accident, suffering for 6 days until he died at age 56. His followers believed God was going to raise him up after he died.
And it is known those who have influenced him
For a broader explanation of this video and who these men are, check the tag “A Glimpse to Charismatic Roots”.
"Jesus appearing nowadays"
Who do we believe, Jesus himself who warned us about this specific issue or Hinn’s words? “At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it.” (Mt. 24:23).
Hinn seeing all kind of angels?
It is hard to believe Hinn here, specially when he talks about little angels. II Pe. 2:11 "yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful..." Heb. 2:7 "You made them [human being] a little lower than the angels"
It is hard to believe Hinn here, specially when he talks about little angels. II Pe. 2:11 "yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful..." Heb. 2:7 "You made them [human being] a little lower than the angels"
Feeling the anointing from dead people?
If we hear from someone else a similar statement, I am sure we would think of the worst (necromancy, dark spiritualism, mysticism, etc.), but since it’s Benny Hinn, people tend to make an exception on him. “A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death” (Lev. 20:27).
How about all Hinn's false prophecies?
“But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death. You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed. (Dt. 18:20-22)
How about Hinn's former wife?
A Holy Ghost enema? No comments.
We also have to consider how to secular world sees him, because instead of bringing glory to God, bring spots and stains to the body of Christ.
Dateline Documentary Part 1
Dateline Documentary Part 2
Dateline Documentary Part 3
Dateline Documentary Part 4
Doubts about Hinn's program for orphan children
Interesting interview!
First, whimsical stuff...
The traditional belief is been that the Garden of Eden was located in the Middle East (Irak – Iran territory). But if we start believing what the scientific community has to say, we would start to believe in evolution and other theories, leaving behind the accounts of the book of Genesis. By the way, this has nothing to do about racism.
But then it gets more serious (but ridiculous at the same time)
How can we follow Jesus’ steps by having luxurious stuff? “Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions” (Lk. 12:15)
The Spirit cannot dwell in a sick body?
Yes, the Holy Spirit dwells in our bodies, but He is not going to leave because of flu or a stomachache. “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (II Cor. 4:16). Moreover, if Price is right, then the Spirit wouldn’t have been able to dwell in Paul himself, since he also suffered from sickness (Gal. 4:13).
Now he has entered into the blasphemous...
How easily Price distorts the Scriptures. “Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer…” (Is. 53:10). It was God the Father, not Jesus Christ. And it was not a suicide, it was the sovereign plan of God, as Acts. 2:23 says “This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.”
And what is with Job? Still getting it after all the attacks he endured from his friends?
This verse (Job 1:21) seems to be impossible to fit in the Prosperity Theology, so they just get rid of it without any qualms. But then they have to get rid of Luke 12:5 because if God can take the life away, certainly He can take away everything else: your health, your possessions, your family, etc.
He doesn't have any idea of the value of Atonement
Not even the prophets would had been able to pay the price of our sin, since we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). It had to be nothing but “…the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (I Pe. 1:18-19). In addition of this, maybe it was in this same statement that Price said “Do you think that the punishment for our sins was to die on a cross? If that were the case, the two thieves could have paid your price” (Ever Increasing Faith Messenger [June 1980], 7)
First, demeaning God as a man
From where does Copeland get the idea of God having a 9” hand span in the first place?
Then, raising man as God
God didn’t have any need of the human being, because He is self-sufficient; He does not have need of anything. Besides, on what basis does Copeland say that Adam was not subordinated by God? “For in him we live and move and have our being…” (Acts 17:28).
God being male and female?
No comments
It is evident Copeland does not have any respect for God whatsoever. This is why he does not have any qualms to name God as the biggest failure there is
To say that God is the biggest failure in the Bible, apart of being one of the biggest heresies we could ever hear, leaves us without the omnipotent and omniscient God we find in several portions of the Bible (Jer. 32:17,27, Mt. 19:26, Ps. 147:5, Is. 42:9, Job 37:16)
I AM too...!
[See video of Benny Hinn about this issue]
We are little gods
[See video of Benny Hinn about this issue]
I would add here that the fact that three "men of God" appearing on TV saying that we are little gods can be enough evidence for the Church to start teaching this blasphemy.
"Name it and claim it", "Blab it and grab it", "say it and receive it"
This doctrine is founded most of the times in Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof". However, this verse teach us that our tongue can have a devastating impact on other people's life and reputation. This is far different from the fact that we can create things by confessing them with our mouths (See how this is related with secular movements in the "A Glimpse to Charismatic Roots" section).
God Almighty needing permission of man
Ps. 115:3 "Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him"
Jesus is not the Only Son of God?
The explanation is found in the same video
Jesus wearing designer's clothes?
This is like saying that He was born in a Hospital's Pediatric Unit or something... it just doesn't fit!!!
This is like saying that He was born in a Hospital's Pediatric Unit or something... it just doesn't fit!!!
God's sperm?
No comments...!
No comments...!
Holy Ghost bartender?
How can the Third Person of the Trinity be compared as liquor and subject to a simple man to be "served"?
How can the Third Person of the Trinity be compared as liquor and subject to a simple man to be "served"?
God compared to a prostitute??? and opening His "legs" for you???
I would never compare someone I love (my wife, my mother, etc.) with a prostitute, no matter the issue (just thinking about it would make me kind of sick). How much more when it’s about God? How could we compare the Holy of holies with a prostitute? It is hard to think a better way to demean Him like this!
If you did not smoke marijuana... you missed it!!!
Mt. 12:26 "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken"
"Simon the Magus was correct when he offered money, and Peter failed in killing him"
How in the world the Church missed and twisted this interpretation for 2000 years? If this is right, Christianity then is a religion that works best for those who have possessions, because they can offer money in order to have the best gifts from God, and James was wrong (just like Peter) when he wrote in chapter 2:5 “Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?”
[Still working on getting the translation as subtitles. However, you can read what he says here]
Where is the apostle Peter when the situation of Simon the magus happened? Peter comes and goes to Samary because he’s been told that people are receiving the Spirit and the baptism; they received the gospel, they received the Lord… “let’s go to see what is happening” The apostle Peter arrives and his team and says “let’s see what is happening here” and Simon the Magus that used to deceive everybody with his magic, as if he was someone important and all the city listened and looked at him, now he is listening and looking to Philip, not to Simon anymore, but Philip.
So, in that moment, Simon comes and when he sees the apostles come, and well, there are signs and wonders “come, we are gonna give you something bigger that healing, more than the lame ones walking or one-armed people getting their arm back, we are going to pray so you may receive the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit” and they start to lay hands and people start receiving the power of the Holy Spirit. Am I explaining myself? Tremendous!
When Philip said “well…”, Simon, no, it was Philip who said “well” and Simon said “I am in”…. you know more than me, then you come and preach! That is called “get away with it III”, it is learned like in the last year in the Biblical Institute!
So, when Simon sees and says “well, I want to be in this, because I already know how it works… I want the anointing too”, and then he says “I am going to give you an offering, a gift in order to have the same… I want to have the same, that when I lay my hands on people, they may be filled”. So far, believe it or not, Simon is not going wrong. The one who is wrong is Peter.
I don’t know if I am explaining myself. At least he was able to pay. So then Peter said to him “may your money perish with you”… everybody say “perish”. He was not satisfied with Anania and Saphira but wanted to get Simon as well. Right? He said “well, Anania and Saphira fell dead that time, but to this one I will just going to let him have it without any explanation… directly, and he said “may your money perish with you… who told you that you could buy the gift of God with money? And what if he does not die? May perish with you! Now perish I am telling you! Perish says the Lord! And nothing happened!
Bills talking to us through their spiritual voice!!!
Bills talking to us through their spiritual voice!!!
This looks like some sort of mysticism rather than Christianity! Anyway... one of the most ridiculous statements ever uttered.