Charismatic or Conservative?
This test has been designed to give you an idea of how charismatic or how conservative your ideas are regarding current issues in the Church, such as new revelations, the importance of experiences, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, new apostles and prophets, etc. Every single question focuses specifically about these topics. This is not a right and wrong kind of test. You just have to be honest with yourself and pick the statement you think is the correct. It is not about getting a 100%, but to give you a general idea. There are people who consider themselves charismatic but embrace something conservative and/or viceversa. Way to interpret your scores: 90% - 100% = Looks like you believe everything you hear. This blog is designed for people like you, encouraging a deeper study of the Scriptures and your discernment abilities. 70% - 89% = You sympathize a lot with many charismatic topics, but you do not believe everything though. 40% - 69% = Maybe you are not so defined, you wobble between Scripture and mystics. 10% - 39% = Charismatic teachings do not find their way that easily in your mindset, but there can be some issues here and there. 0% - 9% = Totally conservative, you reject everything outside Scriptures. (Please be patient once you submit this test. You will be redirected to another page where your results will be shown. For returning to the main page, click to the link above the page. Remember, you can be confident that nobody can see the results of your test).
1. The right thing to do regarding the Truth:
It is unkind to analyze differences of doctrine among Christians. It is good to defend truth until it threats the peace and unity of the body of Christ. We must pursue in defending the truth, trying not to hurt people susceptibilities. We must defend the truth in love. We must be bold and defend the truth, denouncing by name if necessary.
Regarding the place that experience occupies in the life of the believer:
We must test doctrine by experience. We must embrace doctrine and experience independently of each other There are cases when authoritative experiences do not need biblical testing necessarily. We must test experience by doctrine. We must deny all kind of experiences and follow only sound doctrine.
Regarding the issue of signs and wonders:
God is manifesting today through signs, wonders and miracles on an unprecedented scale since biblical times. Supernatural manifestations of God are needed to support the message of the Gospel. A and B are correct. Signs and miracles still occurs sometimes, but not in the same scale as biblical times. God is not working through signs and miracles at all.
Regarding the issue of revelation (as inspiration, God speaking new things):
God is giving new fresh revelation to His servants, shedding new light on interpreting the Scriptures and/or replacing them. God is giving new fresh revelation to His servants, but always in accordance to the Scriptures. Preachers have to preach the Scriptures; new revelation from God are always given or directed to specific persons. God is not giving new fresh revelation to anybody, however He sometimes gives us impressions in our hearts, not new revelations specifically. We must acknowledge only the Scriptures, disregarding any impressions or new revelation.
Regarding the Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
The believer must seek this second blessing, being baptized in the Holy Spirit; otherwise the Christian is not Spirit-filled, disobedient, immature and incomplete. The believer must seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but not necessarily for Spirit-fulfillment, obedience, maturation and wholeness. It is God who procures to bless us through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, so we must not seek it but also not refuse to it. The believer must not seek this baptism as a second blessing, since we are baptized in the Holy Spirit once we receive Christ in our hearts. The believer must not seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit, only the baptism in waters.
Regarding the emergence of apostles and prophets:
God moves however He wants, and He has seen the need to raise new apostles and prophets for strengthening the Church in the last times. The emergence of apostles and prophets is common through the history of the Church; the only new thing is the increasing amount of these leaders. The Church has failed in appointing and recognizing these leaders, so God is just resuming what was done in the first century. There are new apostles and prophets appointed by God, but not in the scale we are seeing nowadays. There is no such thing as new apostles and prophets; they are all false ones.
Regarding the spiritual gifts:
All spiritual gifts are valid in our times, we must seek to have as many as we can and the best ones. Not all spiritual gifts are valid in our times, but we must seek to have as many as we can. All spiritual gifts are valid in our times, but we must not seek them since the Spirit is the one who gives them as He determines. Not all spiritual gifts are valid in our times, and we must not seek them because the Spirit gives them as He determines. The spiritual gifts are no longer valid.
Regarding the gift of speaking in tongues:
It is the response or proof of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it can be human or angelical language and all the church must be able to speak them as one body in worship. It is the response or proof of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it can be human or angelical language but not all the church should speak them in worship, just one at a time. It can be human or angelical language but it is not always linked to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and it must be done in a proper order in the church worship. It is human language or dialect, and it is a valid gift as long as is always accompanied by its proper interpretation, unless when done in private worship. It is not a valid gift, it just ceased.
Regarding the healings and healers:
God is working supernatural healings through special servants who have had enough faith to activate the gift of healing, resulting in a more powerful conveyance of the Gospel. God is working supernatural healings through special servants who have had enough faith to activate the gift of healing, but that does not necessarily mean a stronger conveyance of the Gospel. God is working supernatural healings through special servants but that does mean that the gift of healings is valid. Once the Scriptures were written, the gift of supernatural healings ceased, but God continues to heal. God is not using miraculous means to heal anymore, so whatever we hear about it is either false or due to advances in Medicine.
Regarding prosperity in the life of the believer:
God works through different means (natural or supernatural) because He wants us to be financially strong, reflecting the favor and blessing of God in this way. God wants us to be financially strong in order to reflect the favor and blessing of God, but He does not always do it through supernatural means. God wants us to be financially strong but that not necessarily reflects the favor and blessing of God. It does not matter whether we are rich or poor, that does not always relate to the favor and blessing of God God wants us to stay away from richness, so we can be closer to him without any worldly hindrances.
Regarding the word of faith (name it and claim it) issue:
God has given to us a degree of authority through our words, therefore, He has to honor that, as long as we have enough faith. God has given to us a degree of authority through our words, therefore, He is delighted to work through our faith. We can call things that are not as though they were, but that does not mean God is obligated to do accordingly. God is never dependent of human faith to get things done, He is Sovereign. The word of faith movement can qualify as a modern heresy.
In my opinion, people like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch (TBN), John Avanzini, Robert Tilton, Paul Yonggi Cho, Morris Cerullo, etc. are?
The pillars of Christianity in the 20th and 21 th century Common men who obeyed the Lord and were blessed Good preachers and teachers with some flaws like any other men They do not mean anything to me Some of the greatest greedy heretics and false teachers so called Christians
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